Lead In Our Drinking Water
Is Lead Hazardous to Our Health?
Few people realize that water that looks clear, is odorless,
and has no offensive odor can be hazardous to your health. Many of the
toxic hazards are clear, ordorless and can not be tasted. Lead is one of
those toxic hazards.
Lead in drinking water is highly toxic, and contamination of
drinking water with significant levels of lead is much more widespread that
previously believed, and levels that were once considered safe are now known to
be health threats.
Exposure to lead is cumulative, and over time the
resulting high concentrations of lead in the body can cause...
Lead has long been recognized as a serious health threat to
children, with the effects of lead poisoning lasting a lifetime. We know
that lead poisoning can stunt a child's growth, damage their nervous system, and
cause learning disabilities, but new research is also linking lead poisoning to
crime and anti-social behavior in children. If a child's brain and nervous
system are damaged by lead poisoning, it is not surprising that it would also
have a detrimental effect on their behavior.