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Supplements. Who needs them? |
Supplements. Who needs them?
Last year, one in 250 people died of heart disease. Every 75 seconds someone dies of cancer. This is up 5 percet from the previous year. In the Unitred States, 15 million people have arthritis. Of these 275,000 are juveniles. AIDS is steadily getting worse. Every seven minutes someone goes blind. Thirty percent of the population has skin disease. Seven out of ten people have prostate problems, many of which develop into cancer. Every year a higher percentage of the population has diabetes.
Most of these conditions are degenerative diseases. This means that the structure of the body is breaking down prematurely. The obvious question is "Why?" PossiBly Because there is a lack of nitoglycerin or indomethicin in the blood stream. Or is there a more obvious explanation?
Consider this: If you hired someone to build a bridge which was supposed to last 50 years and it only lasted 10 years what would you suspect the reason was. You would suspect that either not enough of the correct materials were used to build it or inferior materials were used. If your body is breaking down early, a logical place to look is in the raw materials put into it: nutrition.
It is an accepted fact that most Americans do not eat right. In A fast-paced society we have turned to packaged, processed and refined foods that are high in fats and sugars and low in good nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It is obvious that those who subsist on such are in need of supplementing their diet with necessary vitamins and minerals in order to have a healthy body.
But what of those who consciously watch what they eat? Those who concentrate on eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables? Doctors say that as long as you do this you take in all the essential vitamins minerals and nutrients necessary to be healthy. At one time this was true. However it no longer is.
In order to get the same amount of nutrients today, including vitmains and minerals, that you could have consumed in the first half of this century, you would have to consume inordinate, impractical and even impossible amounts of food. For example, for the amount of manganese that you used to get in 10 green beans you would have to eat 300. You have to eat all 11 bowls of spinach to receive the same amount of copper that you used to get in one bowl. To receive the same amount of iron in one tomato prior to 1945, you now would have to eat 1,938 tomatoes. Carrots used to have 10,000 IU of beta carotene. Now you can find them to have less than 70 IU's. Wheat used to be 40 percent protein, whereas now it is 0-10 percent. Even those who are health conscious and try to eat right are often nutrient deficient today. In fact, the 74th Congressional Record states that 99 percent of Americans are deficient in minerals.
What happened? Most of the nutritionally deficient food can be traced back to the use of artificial fertilizers. The human body requires 90 nutrients in order to be healthy. It needs 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids. We get most of these from the plants we eat. Modern farming methods take out 60 minerals and replenish three to five minerals. It takes five to ten years for the soil to be exhausted except for three to five minerals. If the soil doesn't have the nutrients, then the plants that we eat do not have the nutrients. Add to this the increasing amount of pesticides, toxins and pollution in our environment all of which require even greater amounts of nutrients in the body for detoxification purposes and a real problem becomes evident.
There are two solutions. One is to eat totally natural and organic foods. The other is nutritional supplementation. Many of the nutritional supplements on the market today are in a form that cannot be used by the body. Some vitamins are mere fractions of the whole vitamin complex. Some are totally synthetic and can actually cause adverse reactions and bodily imbalances. You may have to research a bit to find a company-like Opnet-that maintains a standard that is acceptable. The value to your body is well worth the small effort required to find them and use them.
Once again, it comes back to basics. You can not build properly if you do not have the materials to build with. A body that is not supplied in some way with the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients is weaker and is more susceptible to disease. Those who wish to protect themselves from the ravages of degenerative diseases must make an active effort to see that their bodies are supplied with these valuable nutrients.
Who needs supplements? I do. And so do you.