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Ms. Yohimbe... Summary, Details

Pre-Natal...        Summary, Details

Maca...                Summary, Details









For women with a demanding work load & an active lifestyle!

Relieves cramps, ovarian & uterine pain & other inflammatory disorders

Reduce the risk of chronic degenerative diseases

Increases vitality, energy & endurance

Stabilizes blood sugar levels


A Woman's Best Friend!!




    Ms. Yohimbe 


With a demanding work load and an active lifestyle, Ms. Yohimbe is the answer.


Especially formulated for women with the benefits of Yohimbe, Wild Yam extract, Ginseng, Damiana, 


Wild Yam is a precursor for the production of DHEA which is vital to the product of sex hormones. DHEA enhances the immune system, reduces the risk of chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis etc, stabilizes blood sugar, assists in weight loss and helps with menopause, depression, regularization of menstrual cycle, relieves cramps, ovarian and uterine pain and other inflammatory disorders.


Ms. Yohimbe with its herbal base also helps with skin disorders and acne due to adolescent raging androgen levels. It helps with decreased estrogen levels. Ms. Yohimbe will detoxify you and increase vitality, energy and endurance.


For those who believe that sexual slowdown is a necessary part as you get older, Ms. Yohimbe will prove you wrong!  Try Ms Yohimbe, you have nothing to lose and the results will amaze you.






Are you pregnant or planning a pregnancy in the near future, now is the time to start supplementing your diet.


Make pregnancy a special & rewarding time by using this Natural Nutritional Supplement.


Pre-natal formula is a great start to that change.....


Fulfill the joy & anticipation of seeing your baby healthy!!





Pre-Natal Formula -

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy in the near future, now is the time to start changing your diet. Prenatal formula is a great start to that change. Prenatal supplements taken during pregnancy can prevent nutritional deficiencies. Research has shown that Folic Acid is critical to the development of the unborn child. Fulfill the joy and anticipation of seeing your baby healthy. Make pregnancy a special and rewarding time by using this Natural Nutritional Supplement.








Balances the Sex Hormones Naturally!!

A Potent Aphrodisiac for Men & Women...


Enhances fertility, stamina, immunity, mental clarity~~~~~



Male Impotence

Vaginal Dryness

Menstrual Irregularities

Sterility and much more.

A natural alternative for hormone replacement therapy...

A safe alternative to anabolic steroids for body builders




MACA  Lepidium Meyenii  


Balances the Sex Hormones Naturally!!

A Potent Aphrodisiac for Men & Women...


MACA, or Lepidium Meyenii, was first domestically cultivated at least 2000 years ago in San Blas, Junin (in Peru). It is a small, mat-like perennial plant that grows at extreme altitudes and under extreme environmental conditions. The largest portion of the plant is the nutrient-dense root, a rich source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and beneficial phyto-nutrients.

MACA thrives in the highlands of Peru, two to three miles above sea level where a combination of intense sunlight, violent drying winds and extremely rapid fluctuations in temperature make life impossible for virtually all other plant species.

Among the first written records ever kept for the Andean region are passages about MACA. Soon after the Conquest, the Spanish were on the verge of being forced from the highlands because their animals were not producing and they themselves were not healthy.

According to the historical records, the native Indians eventually shared a secret with the Conquistadores: the herb MACA. Though it had been in front of their eyes, and under their feet, for many seasons, the Conquistadores hadn’t noticed this prized plant because it concealed its’ nutrient-dense secrets underground.

Historians writing at the time, note that the effects of MACA on both humans and livestock was so dramatic that the Conquistadores began demanding that their tribute be paid in MACA instead of gold. Colonial records dating back to the 1700’s indicate that payments for as much as 9 tons of MACA at a time were demanded from Junin, the region that produced most of the domesticated MACA.

Dr. Hank Oswald and MACA

According to Dr. Hank Oswald, a medical doctor who treats tens of thousands of patients at his clinics in Europe, MACA significantly strengthens immunity. “You can see the positive effects on the blood under the microscope,” says Dr. Oswald. One of the most dramatic and noticeable benefits of MACA is a reduction in stress.

MACA is a powerful adaptogen*, with natural compounds that balance and normalize the body’s systems. MACA can, for example raise low blood pressure and lower high blood pressure.

*Adaptogen = substance that is able to balance the body’s functions. For example, they might lower blood pressure of someone with hypertension and raise another’s low blood pressure. Adaptogens also boost immunity and harmonize the body’s overall vitality.

Dr. Muller and MACA

“Now women have an alternative to hormone replacement therapy [HRT],” says Dr. Muller . “MACA works in an entirely different and more satisfactory way for most women than the phytoestrogenic herbs like black cohosh and licorice root. These herbs have become popular with menopausal women who refuse to take the drugs of HRT.”

“And men, too, find in MACA a herb that will counteract the difficulties they may experience in maintaining good sexual relationships as they age, due to a general slowing down in the output of the endocrine glands,” says Dr. Muller.

The Nutritional Value of MACA

Proteins, as polypeptides, make up 11% of the dry MACA root and 14% of the whole MACA paste. Calcium makes up 10% of MACA’s mineral count. Magnesium and potassium are also present in significant amounts. Other MACA minerals include iron, silica and traces of iodine, manganese, zinc, copper and sodium. Starch, a hexosane polysaccharide in MACA, contains the triple minerals, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Vitamins found in MACA comprise thiamin, riboflavin and ascorbic acid. Carbohydrates, coming from MACA’s cellulose and lignin, are polyholosides.

Effects of MACA on the Endocrine Glands & Fertility

Dr. G. Chacon de Popivici Ph.D. a Peruvian biologist has done the most important scientific work to date on the MACA plant. In particular, Dr. Chacon isolated four alkaloids form the MACA root and carried out animal studies with male and female rats given either powdered MACA root or alkaloids isolated from the roots. In comparison with the animal control groups, those receiving either root powder or alkaloids showed multiple egg follicle maturation in females and in males, significantly higher sperm production and motility rates than control groups.

Hugo Malaspina, MD, works with MACA

Now practicing complementary medicine with an emphasis on the use of medicinal herbs, one of the earliest modern pioneers in the therapeutic use of this ancient herb for an urban population is Hugo Malaspina, MD, a respected cardiologist in Lima.

What makes MACA so effective, according to Dr. Malaspina, is that rather than introducing hormones from outside the body, MACA encourages the ovaries and other glands to produce the needed hormones. The cardiologist-turned-holistic- physician said, “MACA regulates the organs of internal secretion, such as the pituitary, the adrenal glands, the pancreas, etc. I have had perhaps 200 female patients whose perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms are alleviated by taking MACA.”

MACA Provides Benefit Following Hysterectomy

Dr. Malaspina has even found MACA to be effective for women with hysterectomies.

Dr. Malaspina adamantly prefers MACA therapy to HRT. “The presence of the outside hormone circulating in the system sends a message to the pituitary and the hypothalmus that there is sufficient quantity of hormones in the body and so they stop producing them. When menopause arrives, then, the ovaries are atrophied and do not produce the oestrogen and progesterone which the body requires minimally to function. For this reason, I encourage women to start with MACA before menopause. It seems to help the endocrine system to stay in balance.”

Jorge Aguila Calderon, MD, Prescribes MACA

Another Peruvian pioneer in the therapeutic application of MACA integrated into a modern medical practice is Jorge Aguila Calderon, MD. An internist, Dr. Aguila Calderon is former Chief of the Department of Biological Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine at the National University of Federico Villarreal in Lima. Like Dr. Malaspina, he prescribes MACA for a wide variety of conditions, including osteoporosis and the healing of bone fractures in the very elderly. “MACA has a lot of easily absorbable calcium in it, plus magnesium and a fair amount of silica which we are finding very useful in treating the decalcification of bones in children and adults.”

Along with prescribing an excellent diet and certain lifestyle changes, Dr. Aguila Calderon has helped patients overcome male impotence, male sterility and female sterility by employing MACA therapy. Additional problems he treats with MACA are rickets, various forms of anaemia, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, and erectile difficulties in men, premature aging and general states of weakness such as chronic fatigue.


American Physician Gabriel Cousens, MD, Uses MACA

Physicians in the United States believe this herb has the potential of reversing the effects of aging on the endocrine system. Many who have tried phytoestrogens and/or precursor hormones such as pregnenolone, or even natural hormone replacement therapy and have been dissatisfied, are getting excellent results from their use of MACA root.

Henry Campanile, M.D., Offers Adrenal Balancing

MACA root, in keeping with its mode of acting through the hypothalamus and pituitary, has a balancing and nourishing effect on the adrenal glands. Henry Campanile, MD, a 50-year old specialist in internal and family/complementary medicine practicing in St. Petersburg, Florida, relates: “I happen to have been born with one adrenal gland just like my father. I started taking cortisone in my late twenties to relieve the fatigue which I was already feeling. Knowing the dangers of long term cortisone use, I looked around for an alternative and this circumstance is what got me interested in complementary medicine. I started using pregnenelone about 10 years ago and it has been fairly satisfactory. But one of my patients told me about MACA and I started taking it about a month ago. It is phenomenal! I haven’t felt this good since I was 20 years old. I have so much energy and look so well, my patients have remarked on it and told me how rested I seem. I’ve got so much energy now I’ve started an exercise programme.

Early Menopause and Vaginal Dryness Avoided

One young West Coast woman, Susan F, has an interesting experience to tell. After giving birth to two children, the 31-year old mother decided to use contraceptive pills for the first time. Six months later she began experiencing mood swings, hot flashes and dry skin.

Her visit to an endocrinologist revealed that the woman’s hormones were at “menopause” levels. It had been a year since her last period, and by chance her husband brought home some MACA for himself. He told his wife to try it too and she did.

Susan F experienced resumption of menstruation once again. Her periods have been regular ever since taking the MACA. Susan F also comments that her skin is now nice and moist, the way it used to be.

Diane S, a 52-year old librarian from Rye, New York, would never consider taking estrogen because of the health risks she feared. Instead she opted for dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) as an anti-aging hormone. This very physically active woman noticed an upsurge in her energy from ingesting DHEA but intercourse was still painful for her due to the thinning and drying of her vagina. The gynecologist she consulted about the problem told her it was a “natural part of aging that could only get worse with time.” He told Diane S that the only thing able to help would be taking estrogen.

But after three weeks of taking MACA Diane reported that her vaginal lubrication was good, and vaginal dryness was no longer troublesome.

MACA as an Anti-Aging Herb for Both Men & Women

Garry F. Gordon, MD, former president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, now Founder and President of the International College of Advanced Longevity Medicine, located in Chicago, Illinois, bases his appreciation of MACA on his own experience with it. Speaking from Payson, Arizona, Dr. Gordon said, “We all hear rumors about various products like MACA. But using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. I call it ‘nature’s answer to Viagra™’.

“What I see in MACA is a means of normalizing our steroid hormones like testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. Therefore it has the facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging.” Dr. Gordon believes. “It acts on men to restore them to a healthy functional status in which they experience a more active libido. Lots of men and women who previously believed their sexual problems were psychological are now clearly going to look for something physiological to improve their quality of life in the area of sexuality,” says Dr. Gordon.

Maca Address the Following:

Improves Fertility    

Effective Hormone Replacement Therapy


Vaginal Dryness

Increases Sperm count & Mobility

Increases Energy

Normalizes Blood Pressure



Immunity & Stress